- hosts: containers name: Switch mailu to second ignore_unreachable: false vars: app_path33: "25,143,465,993,995,587>>>TCP>443,80>>>TCP>" NEW_IP: arch_name: docker_mailu2_data containers: - nginx-app-1 - heimdall - mailu2-admin-1 - mailu2-antispam-1 - mailu2-antivirus-1 - mailu2-fetchmail-1 - mailu2-front-1 - mailu2-imap-1 - mailu2-oletools-1 - mailu2-redis-1 - mailu2-resolver-1 - mailu2-smtp-1 - mailu2-webdav-1 - mailu2-webmail-1 - HomeAssistant - mosquitto-mosquitto-1 tasks: - name: Start mailu containers command: "docker start {{ containers | join(' ') }}" become: true ignore_errors: true when: inventory_hostname in groups['raspberrypi5'] - name: Get ruleset command: nvram get vts_rulelist when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] register: ruleset - name: Print the gateway for each host when defined ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "var is {{ ruleset.stdout }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] - name: Print the gateway for each host when defined ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "var is {{ NEW_IP }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] - set_fact: app_path2: "{{ ruleset.stdout|string }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] - set_fact: app_path: "{{ app_path2 | regex_replace('(\\[0-9,]{1,}\\>)([0-9.]{1,})(\\>[0-9a-zA-Z\\s-]{0,}\\>TCP\\>)', '\\1" NEW_IP "\\3') | regex_replace('(\\[0-9,]{1,}\\>)([0-9.]{1,})(\\>[0-9a-zA-Z\\s-]{0,}\\>TCP\\>)', '\\1{{ NEW_IP }}\\3') }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] - name: Print the gateway for each host when defined ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "var is {{ app_path }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] - name: Print the gateway for each host when defined ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "var is {{ app_path33 }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] # - name: Pause for 60 seconds # ansible.builtin.pause: # seconds: 60 # - name: Set new ruleset # command: nvram set vts_rulelist="{{ app_path }}" # when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] # - name: Nvram commit # command: nvram commit # when: inventory_hostname in groups['router'] # - name: Restart firewall # command: service restart_firewall # when: inventory_hostname in groups['router']