- hosts: datacenter name: Setup nfs gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Install nfs ansible.builtin.apt: name: nfs-kernel-server state: present when: inventory_hostname in groups['fog'] - name: Reconfigure common-session ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/exports regexp: "/images .*" line: "/images *(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=0)" become: true when: inventory_hostname in groups['fog'] - name: Restart autofs service ansible.builtin.service: name: nfs-kernel-server.service state: restarted become: true when: inventory_hostname in groups['fog'] - name: Creating a file with content wol service ansible.builtin.copy: dest: "/etc/auto.fog" content: | fog-images -fstype=nfs become: true when: inventory_hostname in groups['morefine'] - name: Restart autofs service ansible.builtin.service: name: autofs.service state: restarted become: true when: inventory_hostname in groups['morefine'] # - name: Creating script to fetch ldap info # ansible.builtin.copy: # dest: "/usr/local/bin/fetchSSHKeysFromLDAP" # content: | # #!/bin/bash # ldapsearch -b "dc=sectorq,dc=eu" -H ldap:// -x '(&(objectClass=ldapPublicKey)(cn='"$1"'))' 'sshPublicKey' | sed -n '/^ /{H;d};/sshPublicKey:/x;$g;s/\n *//g;s/sshPublicKey: //gp' # owner: admin # mode: '0744' # when: inventory_hostname in groups['nas']